Time in the treatment room is never enough. Here, my writings weave together: concrete counsel about health and wellbeing; social and racial justice organizing as an act of healing; reflections about our society, life, and the world. I’ve curated a selection from over the years. From one of many readers: “This is a touching and clear reflection that is so timely to the world events churning in all of us, and churning up so much of our personal wounds and pains. Thank you for your insight, open heart, and caring.” I welcome your own responses and reflections.
Health & Awareness
- How to Step Forward.
- Parable of the Skinned Knee.
- Take Heed.
- The Texture of Gently Pumping the Brakes, Inside ourselves.
- Birthing is hard…and messy.
- How Can I Do Less Violence to Myself and the World
- Our Distressed Lizard Brains Need Lizard Medicine, now
- What is the True Ground on Which I Stand?
- Channeling Congressman John Lewis. Channeling RBG.
- A person is a person because of other people
- Actually Feeling the Rain
- Seasonal Allergy Help
- Got a Cold? Trying to Avoid it?~ Tips and Home Remedies
- Auto-Immune, Acupuncture, and Healing
Anchor in Facing the Unknown Series
(supportive tools offered at the dawn of the pandemic in 2020)
- An Anchor in Facing the Unknown part 1: Finding the Earth
- An Anchor in Facing the Unknown…part 2: Notice the Mind
- An Anchor in Facing the Unknown part 3: Tune into the Heart.
- An Anchor in Facing the Unknown part 4: Step Forward
- Reprise Part 4 Nov 2024, How to Step Forward
Alabama Pilgrimage Series