Zoe Darling
Acupuncturist, Herbalist, and Health Counselor
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Early in my practice, I discovered a trend. I found myself speaking over and over again with people from many walks of life struggling with similar things. Pain, trauma, and the experiences that shape us are both universal struggles and profoundly individual. Ultimately, I took the time to capture insights and counsel that seemed applicable to a broad range of people in the articles below (the blog features other reflections). Supporting people to tune in, to become more selfaware, is the part of my work and health education about which I’m most passionate. I continue to revise and update these resources.

Our country has never supported equitable access to health care for all. I am committed to supporting people to get to know, to better understand, and to feel empowered in relation to their health and vitality. All the articles here are offered freely as a gesture toward equitable access and thriving health.

Please consider making a donation if you find any of these resources beneficial. Through your contribution to the community supported fund, I can continue to offer these resources freely and reduce the cost of care for marginalized folx.


Food & Digestive Health


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